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AP Grama secretariat jobs revised examination time table released


Amaravati: The officials have made mild changes in the schedule of examination dates of Grama/Ward secretariat secretaries’ posts. The Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department Chief Secretary, Gopalakrishna Dwivedi, announced that the plan of exams had changed after receiving the comments from applicants. In a Twitter message, Dwivedi tweeted that the Engineering Assistant (Grade 2) and Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade 2) examinations scheduled on September 1 have been postponed to September 7. The Ward Sanitation and Environment Secretary exam is changed from morning to afternoon on September 8 (identical day). In the assertion, Dwivedi said there are few changes in the ultimate test schedule.

AP Grama secretariat jobs revised examination time table released 2

After the changes made by the officials, the examinations might be hung on the following dates;
Panchayat Secretary (Grade 5), Mahila police and Women and Child Welfare Assistant / Ward ladies and weaker sections protection Secretary (Female), Welfare and Education Assistant, Ward Administrative Secretary – 01-09-2019 (Morning).

Village Revenue Officer (Grade 2), Village Surveyor (Grade three), Village Agriculture Assistant (Grade 2), Village Horticulture Assistant, Village fisheries Assistant, Panchayat Secretary (Grade 6) Digital Assistant, Animal Husbandry Assistant, ANM/Ward Health Secretary (Grade 3) (Female), Village Sericulture Assistant – 01-09-2019 (Afternoon). Engineering Assistant (Grade 2), Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade 2) – 07-09-2019 (Morning).
Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade 2), Ward Welfare & Development Secretary (Grade 2) – 08-09-2019 (Morning).

DSSSB Exam Schedule 2019 Released: The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has released the Examination Schedule for LDC, Jr. Lab. Assistant, Assistant Security Officer, and other posts. All applicants who’ve carried out these posts can download their Examination Schedule from the website dass online. Nic. In.

The posts’ examinations can be conducted from August 17 17 to August 30 30, 2019, at the various centers. Instructions regarding online laptops, primarily based on exams, can be uploaded on the DSSSB website afterward. Examination for Nursing Officer, Lab. Assistant (Gr.-IV), Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, and Radio-Grapher in opposition to advt. No-02/18 could be hung on August 30 30, 2019. Candidates should note that the Examination Center’s call and the Examination date and timing will be cited in the E-Admit Card.

In the fast notification launched within the Employment News (three – nine August 2019), DSSSB has recommended that the candidates update their email/mobile number for verbal exchange. Detailed commands to download e-admit playing cards may be given quickly at the reliable website of the Board.


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